Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Prayer for the 7th Generation Hence

I dream of a time, soon
 When women and men alike may be free
Free to be who they are, free of oppressions and double standards and divisions
All based on the lie of their gender.
We are nearly there now.

And I dream of a day when Fido and Rover and Fluffy,
 to whom our hearts are already open
May open our hearts to their kin, snouted and hooved
That all animals may escape cruelty and torture and death
All for the slightest scrap of steak.
We are slightly there now.

And I ask for a time when
knowledge is acknowledged, and rationality is truth
When learning reaches even the meanest corners
 and enlightens society.
We are barely there now.

All this I ask, and I pray, and I hope, and I dream
 But words and inaction are one thing. I will play my part.
Will you?

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